Martin Hewitt is an exceptional coach and motivator. Through gently reflecting your protestations back at you he manages to make you feel like you can achieve anything. He never gives you an answer but very quickly you are answering your own questions and quietening your doubting voice in a way that feels completely authentic. He recalibrated my sense of self. I would not be embarking on another chapter of my professional development had I not looked in the mirror he held up for me, I looked into it and saw possibility and opportunity instead of my fear and lack of self-belief. There is no going back from here, if you are stuck he will unstick you!
Martin certainly did not offer me a quick-fix solution and his approach, while extraordinarily gentle was at times robust, simply because he has the skills to make you completely give of yourself and touch depths of the soul in honesty, where no-one else had probably ever been, except my own mum! The sessions themselves left me feeling alternately exhausted or exhilarated, tearful yet empowered, but gradually I became much more resolved and calm
In a nutshell, Martin taught me to acknowledge my own strengths. Highly sensitive and emotional, he taught me to learn to accept who I am. Rather than fighting or fleeing, to acknowledge stress, learn to put things to one side; to recognise that emotions cannot hurt you but, if you don’t deal with them or disregard them, they can destroy you even if you believe you are acting in the right way. Rather than challenging my emotions, I have begun to embrace them and channel them and use them for good in a different way. This was probably the first time I had ever been given the courage to do this for myself.
- "delivered very well"
- "[the course] has been a gift"
- "wonderfully structured and presented"
- "empowering ... well delivered and resourced"
- "I have seen the impact on my daily life"